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Office Procedures

Here are our procedures on visitors, late arrivals, absences and student illness or accident.


Any visitor to the school including parents or other relations to a student must report to the Office and sign in.


Students who are late to school must enter through the main door and check in at the office before continuing to class.

Leaving the School

During the day students leaving the school to go to a medical appointment, go home ill etc must sign out through the Office on the clipboard for that purpose.


Please phone the Office if a student will be absent or send a note in the agenda the following day. Long-term absences for illness should be reported to the Office. Please note that although we understand the some families take holidays during the school year, teachers can only provide suggestions for work while students are absent.

Student Illness or Accident

If a student is ill or in an accident, parents be will notified immediately. Allergies/Medication Students who have severe or life-threatening allergies should be identified when registering. Maple Bay is a Nut-Free, Peanut-Free school. For any medications, including EpiPens and inhalers, contact the office for further information and protocols.