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Code of Conduct

At Maple Bay Elementary, parents and students believe that learning best takes place in a safe, orderly and positive environment. The learning community is committed to engaging in positive behavior support as well as communicating behavior expectations through a common language. Students act responsibly when they clearly understand the expectations and when their feelings and opinions are respected.

Acceptable Conduct

To this end, each of us agrees that we will:

  • Do our personal best in all endeavors.
  • Conduct ourselves in a manner that ensures the safety of others.
  • Respect the right of teachers to teach and of students to learn.
  • Be kind and caring towards others.
  • Resolve conflicts peacefully.
  • Support each other in learning and playing.
  • Take responsibility as diligent bystanders to actively stop situations of bullying and misconduct.
  • Respect the property of others.
  • Respect the school and shared community property.

These expectations apply to behavior at school, during school-organized or sponsored activities, and behavior beyond these times (including on-line and mobile device behavior) that negatively impacts the safe, caring or orderly environment of the school, and/or student learning.

To help reinforce positive behaviours and build self-confidence Maple Bay Elementary reviews with our

students throughout the year our Code of Conduct, including our graphic visual showing Green/Yellow/Red light behaviours. We also teach students to recognize kind, helpful, respectful behaviors, take time to teach social skills and how to solve problems in peaceful ways using positive words.

Additionally, we have a focus on self-regulation and teaching students how to identify their states of regulation and skills and strategies to ensure they are in the optimal learning and behaviour zone. As students become older and more mature, there is a progression in the expectations related to appropriate behavior.

The Maple Bay Elementary School learning community promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law—prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment.

Special considerations may apply to students with special needs, if they are unable to comply with the school’s Code of Conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioral nature.

During the first week of school please walk the students through these areas for reacquainting purposes… revisit when needed…Use our code of conduct language: Be Respectful /Be Responsible/ Be Safe / Be Responsible and weave in the message from How Full is Your Bucket…

Playground(s) Outside areas

  • Enough space for Everyone
  • Kindergarten students-lower playground only-until later in the year.
  • Be Body aware-common sense, respect for others and fairness
  • Sticks and forts belong to Mother earth not the individual


  • Use the designated washroom – Flush the toilet – Wash hands – Dry hands – back to class
  • NOT a play area
  • Let the office know if needing more soap or paper towel


  • Lots of people in the building – common sense – don’t run &stay quiet
  • Keep right


  • Only used with permission
  • Learning space-no food or drink
  • Monitor noise levels
  • Keep this area clean

Lunch Routines

  • Inside only with teacher supervision
  • Respect NHS/attending adult –seek for washroom permission and bandaids
  • Stay In-bounds

Entering for Learning (before school and lunch)

  • Line up for the start of school where your teacher asks you to line up
  • Front entrance is for late arrivals
  • After outside playtime and after school enter / exit through your designated door – Do not run out the front door
  • Assemblies-enter and exit respectfully, sit with class, kind to guests


  • Explain your class procedures for these concepts
  • Do not litter outside
  • Refillable water station-keep this area dry

Bus line up/pick-up –

  • Take your classes outside and explain safe line up and pick up procedures